Saturday, October 30, 2010

Time for a change...

So again yesterday there was the late night binge/purge. This morning a big breakfast to 'break the cycle' but honestly, i can't see any unbroken cycle. Off to work in half an hour, that means nothing till dinner thank god and then i need to review meals etc. Like i feel i definitely binge more without breakfast but then i can still binge with breakfast. grrr!

Psych. appt on friday, and i don't want to go at all. Its at five so i can fast that day and if i'm back to minimum 54.0 then i'll be in the 53 range that day. Preferably i'd like to break the stupid 53.9 plateau.

On more exciting notes, i can drive (woot woot - only done 20 hours), i have my formal dress and nice teeth and my dad is in hong kong! Also i got my thankyou letter from the blood bank yada yada.

Just rambling some more.
xx Claude

1 comment:

  1. sorry u b/p thats not fun at all
    and goodl uck with the psych appt
