Saturday, October 30, 2010


Holy crap. holycrapholycrapholycrap. I am having a total over reaction but still. holy crap.
My dad is overseas and my step mum went for a walk. and being the nosiest person in the world i went looking for junk food in her bedroom (not to eat just discover) and i knew they'd been wanting/thinking of having children. Then i found an ultrasound slip saying 'pregnant - due date check'... !!! :O 

I am going from an only child (not spoilt promise :) to a sister! I will be an aunt after all. but there is going to be a 16 year age gap. I'll be doing year 12 and be in uni when the kid is in kindergarten. I'll have to stick around now, not piss off. But omgomgomg how exciting! They are so lucky... i'm just going to chill with mixed emotions right now :)

xx Claude


  1. Congrats to you and your family! I've always wanted a younger sibling too but I'm stuck with an older one, haha.

  2. omg yay congrats hun that is great
    u willl b a great sister i know it

  3. wow that's incredibly exciting at the same time!!!!! you guys will be super close i bet despite the age gap. x

  4. Ooo congrats!! It's great having a new baby to spoil. ;)

  5. <3 Despite it being kind of odd that your step mum hides junk food in her bedroom, that's exciting about the ultrasound slip :)
    Stay happy darling.

  6. Yay! I am happy for you :D Little babies are the best.

    I found out I had siblings that my dad never told me about by going through his stuff. So I FULLY support your snooping ;)
