Friday, October 29, 2010

Back on board bitchs.

So back to 53.9, my low weight in the past... year or so. Pretty much i have that really weak feeling, which is super annoying cuz i'm working tomorrow and stressing out that i won't make it through the day. Ergo, the plan today is to eat three low calorie meals and boost the metabolism/decrease want to binge and feel less faint-ish. I'm googling breakfast recipes and so far in the running are: bran pancakes or porridge. Lunch = salad and dinner = fish, pumpkin. around 800.

Yesterday managed to stick to breakfast (bran/milk/apple) and dinner (salad/soup) although i reckon it was high calories cuz they chopped peanuts and sprinkled them through. Honestly what is the  point of that? you end up not tasting it but it adds like a hundred calories. Grr. We saw 'The social network' and it was really good! :O

Anyway just checking in. Stay strong everyone. Goodluck Bella in your exams (:

much love xx Claude


  1. well done on being at your lowest weight in a while! but it's definitely a good idea to eat something to keep your energy up. take care of yourself x

  2. yay for low weight
    and for breakfast i vote for teh pancakes :)
    i miss that weak idk if ima mak eit threw the day feeling
    stay strong

  3. Thanks for the comment! :) I try to be careful... An inflated sense of my own body's capacity for pain probably doesn't help, but I'm working on it. :D

    Congrats on the low weight!!
