Monday, October 25, 2010

Binge :(

Damn, i just had such a bad binge i must have gained kilos and kilos. I feel i've lost all control and i'm terrified i won't get it back again. I bought a muffin at school, and that'd be alright but i got home and had :roll with peanut butter, chocolate/lollies, oats and banana with peanut butter. yuckyuckyuck. Tomorrow i better get my control back and i desparately hope it doesn't go back to the starve/binge/starve/binge. Because the past few weeks have been pretty good. AHHH i am so disgusting i can feel it in my stomach. I purged the oats but still have all that bread and chocolate and peanut butter and yuckkk. I don't deserve to be on this blog.


  1. Oh darlingggg, don't be mad at yourself :(.
    I know how frustrating it can be, I had such a horrid couple days. I want to fast, I think..
    Hey if you want to text me, you can :) I'm on 0457959032 :) Since you're in Aust too.
    We can be skinny buddies! :)
    ex oh, love heart.

  2. o hun dont beat urself up about it we all binge and it happnes to everyone
    u will get back on track u will do great tomm and u will b skinny i know it

  3. We all slip up sometimes. If you gained, you'll get back down again! :-* Just remember to breathe.
