Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Unbearable Lightness

was seriously amazing! I love when you can totally relate to the author's theories and thoughts on ED's (but they never really inspire you to change). So looking at my uber collection of ED related books and trying to come up with a top three/five.
I think the one's that make the cut are

  • Wasted (Marya Hornbacher - duh)
  • The best little girl in the world (steven levenkron)
  • Wintergirls (Laurie Hale Anderson)
  • Monkey Taming (Judith Fathallah)
  • Skin (A. M. Vrettos)
And finallllllllly (drum roll)
  • Unbearable Lightness (Portia de Rossi aka Amanda rogers)
Opinions? Favourites? 

So today I'm wrapping everyone's stocking stuffers/presents (EEEEE favourite-est thing to do since... diet coke) and then doing my granddaughterly duties. Only fly in the ointment (lol) is that my granny is bringing lunch - and you can pretty much count on it being some oily chicken dish with homemade calorific slices after... greattt. Then going to japanese for dinner (thinking miso and sashimi =?) and epic christmas carols for four hours (fireworks to) with my friends = aNOTHER picnic of crap (think Quiche, cupcakes, caramel slice, lollies and chip's.). Thank god for my personal stash of pepsi max/diet coke.

Waiting for the fricken window cleaners to leave so i can wii fit it up. On summer holidays so new kinda diet trend is fruit salad (80 cals worth) with a diet yoghurt (70) for breakfast and then salad for lunch and just try get through family dinner. Mostly so i don't binge when i'm home by myself. 

Freaky deakiest thing. So had my weight watchers scale break, then stole my parents only to have it mysteriously disappear. I went out and spent thirty bucks on a new glass electronic scale and it worked ONCE and then next morning it was broken!! I am so pissed. Is there something about my bathroom that causes electronic scales to spontaneously breakdown!??! So what does everyone think of non electronic ones? like with a dial etc.. I've never been a fan cuz it's hard to be totally exact, but i'm thinking it's my last option.

xx Claude


  1. o i love asted and winter girls amazing :)
    um dial scales work good for me its just hard to read the numbers

  2. I've only read Wintergirls which I loooooooved. Maybe in the new year I'll pick up the others?
    The scale I have is my mums which she got from her dad like 20 something years ago. It's ancient but it still works. What I don't like about it is that it's hard to read the accurate weight because the .0 kilos are hard to read. This can also be a good thing. Because it isn't so accurate the next time I get on and read the scales it seems like I've lost a lot of weight which spurs me on. If that makes sense? I want to get a new scale but I think it'd be too suspicious to ask my mum.
    Love Anafly

  3. Wintergirls is amazing. I love all of Anderson's books--they're so good! Just bought Portia's book, can't wait to read it.


  4. <3 I just bought Portia's book too, I stumbled across it while I was shopping in Target, haha.
    I'm so jealous you have wii fit! I haven't gotten around to saving to buy all the stuff for it, so the most I've got is the tennis and the boxing and stuff to sweat out my energy on the wii, haha. Or, get super active on Mario Brothers, lol.
    Do keep well! xx

  5. I just bought Portia's book in Target as well!! ^ haha

    Other than that I've only read Wintergirls and Wasted.

    Some of my other ED faves are:

    Skinny, Ibi Kaslik

    Stick Figure: A Diary of my Former self, forgot who wrote it

    And Thin, Grace Bowman

    I definitely recommend them!

    I've also read Purge, Perfect, Feeling for Bones..

    check 'em out. haha

    I never realized how many ED related books I've read..

    Think thin!



