Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fasting pact?

What are we thinking of a joint fast? Say... two days starting like tuesday? Then we can still have boxing day and the next day just in case of snooping family etc. Maybe allow liquids (for me diet drinks and diet jelly). Anyone game? Feel free to change the days/allowed foods/liquids i just REALLY need to get rid of this food baby and go into the new year feeling a tad skinny opposed to my current beach whale-ness. see attached pic of me as a beached whale.

So disgusting. Observe pudgy stomach and flabby thighs. Vomit.

xx Claude. Merry Christmas for those in the northern hemispehere and get your fast on biatchez!


  1. good luck on ur fast hun
    id fast but idk i have a feeling ima b watched again soon
    and u dont look grosss

  2. I've been planning to fast the 27th and 28th since October as I have some stupid arse dinner tomorrow. Christ I feel like a whale. xxx

  3. I've already start a joint fast :)
    We can all do one huge joint fasting thing! It's lasting till new years,

    & sorry, but you do NOT look like a beached whale, at all.

  4. I am ready to do a fast, for sure. I would like to think that I could start tomorrow (Tuesday), but I have one final Christmas dinner to attend. Perhaps I could escape the food, though, claiming a stomachache or something. Hmm. Good luck with your own fast, and work hard! Because while luck is not always reliable, hard work IS. I know you will do great. :)
