Friday, December 24, 2010

The inevitable christmas binge...

The average person scoffs 25,000kJs on Christmas Day. That’s enough energy to fuel a 29km walk.

This stat totally shocked me - until i began christmas day that is. Of course I'd planned to have minimal breakfast, maybe nothing in anticipation of a slightly larger lunch, yet still small. This was because we were going to the Crowne Plaza buffet (one hundred and fifty bucks a person, the fanciest of the fancy) and i'd googled the menu. Of course it was huge, but they had a number of lower calorie options (think sushi/sashimi/seafood, heaps of salads, salmon etc). The minute my grandparents got here with a box of chocolate and sliced fruit cake for everyone, things started going down hill. By the time we got to the buffet there was no chance. I had a gigantic plate with everything imaginable and then went back for even bigger bowl of dessert (think cheesecake, fruit pudding, eclairs, slices, pavlova). Tried to purge and it was obvious i was going to go do it which made it even WORSE when i couldn't bring anything up! Worst feeling in the entire world is being stuffed and not even being able to purge. Another bad thing is right now i'm waiting for my parents to go out and use their christmas presents (kayaks) so i can eat the aforementioned box of chocolates and fruit cake and watch movies... Just relying on starving the next few days.

On the upside (of another totally shit christmas) I got some great christmas presents: My baby (the bearded dragon) who is only three weeks old and smaller than my hand, i called her cleopatra :) She came with a handmade white wood enclosure and my Pop built an awesome white table... 

On the downside my mother rang...and she is getting engaged. Shock. disbelief. You'd understand if you met her, she is on so many anti-depressants that she is just a block of ice. She has no emotions and is condescending and i can't believe this has happened... And they're planning to get married at the same time my little brother or sister is born! (the one she doesn't know about). Shite!

Who's feeling the need to fast/start a crazy diet to recover from the feral-ness of christmas bingeing? Ps what did everyone get/partake in?

xx Claude


  1. Still haven't begun Christmas day yet (it's only 12:47 a.m. here), but I am already wanting to fast/exercise like crazy to burn off some of my Christmas EVE mistakes.

    That buffet sounds absolutely crazy. I wouldn't have had a chance there, either. I mean, it would seem so wasteful to only eat a few sprigs of lettuce and pay $150 for it. I understand why you struggled there.

    I also recognize the feeling of not being able to purge after scarfing down tons of food. That happened to me Wednesday night. I hate it.

    But let's please do a fast together after all this is over. I think it would be lovely!

  2. wow that buffet sounds nuts
    i hate when u wanna purge but u cant getn ething up its the worst feeling
    but u can fix the mistake just a few good days and u will b good
    and aww a breaded dragon

  3. Holy crap! $150?? That's nuckin futs! haha

    I'm sorry you couldn't purge. It freaking sucks. The same exact thing happened to me today!
    Hey dude! You shouldn't binge on that fruit cake and chocolate! Be strong, lady!

    Aww! Cleopatra!

    I hope your family drama resolves soon.

    I got a new laptop, from which I am writing this.
