Saturday, December 18, 2010

The daily grind

(what an ironic title seeing as i used to work for 'the daily grind' :P)

So just finished an eight hour shift (8-4) which feels huge but probly isn't. The looming of another day of work tuesday really kills me. Got the post work binge down to 2 low-fat yoghurts, diet jelly, small muffin and a christmas lolly pop. Much better than two nights ago which was the whole xmas party fiasco. Last night had a joyful (not) christmas dinner with my mother's side of the family - the best that can be said is i got fifty bucks and a salad for dinner.

Now freaking out about the psych in... four days, especially seeing as the wii fit read 54 kgs and last time i went down i was 53... Methinks last minute laxatives/fasting. Found this awesome product 'Quorn' which is meat free meat but really low cal, perfect for dinners cuz the family think it's meat! Genius :P

Whats everyone wanting/getting for christmas?? I've been crazy buying presents, it's so fun to wrap stuff and put it under the tree... speaking of tree's, i'll take/post a pic of ours.

anyway i am getting back to my childhood roots and about to embark on a cluedo marathin :P will update later with cals etc.

stay strong everyone!
xx Claude


  1. I love Quorn!
    I've been veggie for 7 years so I live off that stuff, so low fat too! Happy days.
    That will def be on my plate for Christmas dinner.

    And Cludo is ace, have a lovely cludo marathon, best be Miss Scarlet! xxx

  2. I used to LOVE The Daily Grind!! Hahaha. I liked it better than Starbucks; I thought their lattes were way better (back when I drank lattes). :P

  3. For christmas I asked for a yoga ball and a jump rope...isn't that sick.. I honestly considered writing santa to ask to be skinny for xmas. Hope your christmas is great! Stay strong sweeite! Missed you!

  4. Christmas is my favorite time of year, makes me feels all warm and fuzzy, if only my family members didn't hover over me! :P
    Happy Merry!

  5. I love Christmas! Your tree is so cute..We don't even have ours up yet, yet alone our gifts wrapped! haha

    I've never heard of Quorn. I'll have to buy some. :)

  6. my mom just bought me 3 sweater dressed a pair of jeans a shirt a belt and socks she lets us pick out our own clothes
