Sunday, November 7, 2010

binge! wtf

ewewew i am typing over a huge distended stomach and everytime i breath my chest hearts. it looks like i'm pregnant. i feel disgustinggggg. i had this massive binge not triggered by anything cept maybe boredom  and purged but then had to finish cooking dinner for my family and i don't know why but i feel SO full.

AHH i hate me everyone should ignore this but i need to purge again which i can't so laxativeS? but i have my school cert and i can't be shitting in an exam scuse my crap (no pun) language

anyway going off to despise myself. will wake up tomorrow to a 55 kilogram plus mess

stuff me stuff my sucking at life and my eating
i could just disappear yes?


  1. mayb exercise some that shouldmake u feel better
    im sorry that u binged hun

  2. No. Do not dissapear. We all have bad days. You are strong and can pull through this. Good luck with sc!
    Love Anafly

  3. <3 I suppose we all want to disappear in some way.
    But you; no, you should shine.
    <3 It will be better. I know it will.

    Thank you thank you for being my follower, I heart you. :)
