Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tired, tried and tested

I feel like a dead (wo)man walking. Honestly I have no energy, and it just stresses me because tonight I have at least three hours of work to do but all i want to do is curl up in bed. Don't you hate that feeling? Then also i only have one five hour shift saturday, but feeling this crap means i just never want to leave the house.

So i skipped school (annoying) and went to my grandma's birthday lunch. It was great because she is so giving and finally got something back. But at the same time, i'd refuse a slice or biscuit and everyone would be "ohhh watching your weight. i guess you get that influence from your dad" etc etc. slightly awkward.

But we went groccery shopping (sadly my favourite thing to do) and i picked up banana's and vanilla essence for my diet muffin recipe. I finally found/created a good one that doesn't have a million ingredients,  is really easy and low calorie, tastes good and can have heaps of flavours!

anyway i think i might have some chicken breast with my new guilty addiction (sweet chili sauce) later. it's 6pm here and i ate lunch.

My nan also gave me a pair of levi's that she said were too small on her because she eats to much, ergo has a stomach. not sure if they look alright?

- diet coke(s) 0
- peppermint tea 0
- grilled fish with salad (tasted like it had butter) 400

total (so far) 400

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